Thursday, February 15, 2007

Una Corona Por favor!

Thats Spanish for 1 Corona please, a very useful phrase in and around the Carribean and Mexico
Another one is...
"Tu Madre manega una cambion"
But I wouldn't suggest saying that too often.

Sailing along one day and the captain came over the pa System announcing that there was a corona around the sun. Wikipedia is a little anal about the whole phenomenon, I know. Its basically a rainbow around the sun that I was lucky enough to spot.
This only happens under certain atmospheric conditions apparently. The reason the photo isn't all in frame is that I didn't look through the view finder to get the shot, obviously.
Have a great weekend, I am out of town for the weekend and am going to have an all fall down party at the dam.
Bye Melville


Champagne Heathen said...

You're suggesting his mother does what exactly now???

Enjoy the weekend! Be careful of the cheap cheap white wine!

DaveRich said...

Okay thanks for the advice.
That means that your mom is truck driver.