Tuesday, February 6, 2007

Optical Delusions...

Well this post is not following on from yesterdays cause I didn't load the right photos on my stick.

Anyhow I thought I would touch on the average passenger we had on our ship.

Newly retired, golf estate living types who normally had retired to Florida. I think it is law in the States that when you retire you go live in and around Miami, Fort Lauderdale. There is a huge community of reired people there and they all seem to come from Boca Raton. There is an equally large community of South Africans that work at these golf estates over the summer so they all know all about us.

"Y'all from South Aaafrica, its really terrible what they doin in that cuuntry."

A good handful of these ladies have had every likely nip/tuck, nose, boob, botox job on the menu.

But what really got me was their fashion sense...

Ag shame, she was with us for about a month and she was a really sweet old lady after she got to know you. The kind that walks around giving everyone sweeties.

The other thing that got me was their diet/s...

"I'd like a cheese burger, extra cheese, extra pickles, no onion, no bun (Atkins phase), extra fries, with mayo and ketchup"

"Certainly sir, anything to drink?"

"Oh yeah... a diet coke"


The worst thing is that now you have to explain this order to a Filipino chef whose english skills are very weak.

It got funny after a while, but it does sap the life force from you sometimes.

Later Guys


Anonymous said...

Ag Dankie boet, I have many vuils to tell you all. Just easing into the whole thing. I have seen your blog many times before. Very nice. Thanks for the welcome.

Anonymous said...

So you stay in Gibraltar...been there. Will definitely do a post on it sometime, if only I could remember the names of all those pubs we went to one fateful Saturday afternoon, in 2003. Sheesh. I think I left my name in one of them.

Anonymous said...

Those glasses are a shocker! But you are right, she does look very sweet, dishing out sweeties in a very un-Grimm Brothers way.

You've reminded me of The Student Diet - a Bar One and a Tab because they cancel each other out. Hee hee!

Oh, this is getting good. Keep it coming.

Champagne Heathen said...

Hey! So good you started a blog, and I can see on a theme that is going to have me rolling on the floor in pain of jealousy!

I've loved your first 3 postings, so I look forward to many more...!

Jealous Jealous Jealous!

Billy said...

Dig the blog, look forward to more tales.

Anonymous said...

Thanks all! Great to hear.