Friday, March 2, 2007

"There is no such thing as a stupid question...only stupid people"

Hi all!

During the course of my 4 years at sea I have interacted with a lot of people from different cultures, nationalties and religions. I have also heard the dumbest questions ever asked. I guess it has something to do with the holiday mode that people are in, or maybe not"


1. Does the crew sleep onboard?
"No madam, we actually commute..."

2. What time is the midnight buffet?
"Duuuh, you should really check out your daily program"

3. Which elevator takes me to the front of the ship?
"The forward elevators."

4. Do you generate your own electricity?
"No sir, actually we have a looong extension cord that plugs into Miami that trails behind the ship.

5. Is this island totally surrounded by water?
...and a rock feels no pain!

6. Is the water in the toilet salt or fresh?
"Depends if the last guy flushed or not" Who cares? Why don't you taste it?

7. What language do they speak in Alaska?
"Alaska is a state of which country...?"

8. What do you do with the ice carvings after they melt?
"Contribute towards rising sea levels"

9. How high above sea level are we?
This is a question asked by a guest whilst sailing through the Norwegian Fjords...

10. How do we know which pictures are ours?
Asked in the photo gallery

11. "I specifically asked for my cabin to have a sea view on this cruise...all I can see is an ugly terminal building out my window"
"Uuh yes sir, just wait another few hours before we sail and I am sure that you will find the view a little better"

Welcome to my life... he he he, we had fun.

Have a great weekend



Anonymous said...

Number 6 is the best. I am wiping the tears from my eyes.

May I add two, please?

Question to a game ranger on a game reserve: So how long did it take you guys to plant all these trees?

Question to a friend of mine while watching the whales in Hermanus, asked by a tourist: What time is feeding time?

DaveRich said...

Great ones, thanks Katt